Thursday, March 8, 2012

Back to school...

Originally posted on August 9, 2011

Well, tomorrow I go back for my fifth year of teaching. Who knew I'd make it this far? Last year was a really hard year and I was pretty sure that if I lived through it, I sure wasn't going to go back and put myself through it again. But amazingly enough, when that contract showed up in my box, I signed it and turned it back in on the spot. I guess it's in my blood.

I've written previously about the welcome notes for my students, and they came yesterday. Once I get a class list, I can get them ready to go. Hopefully that will be tomorrow. We have the usual beginning of the year meetings and then some time to work in our rooms. I've been up there a few times this summer, and I have a new bookshelf for displaying books for our social studies unit, so I'm excited about that. There are still some posters to put up, and some general unpacking to do.

Hopefully I'll have some pictures to post later this week as the room gets ready for Meet the Teacher. I'm a little concerned about Thursday, when I have to be at work until 6, then go straight downtown to be late for the advisory team meeting for DG. That is the second most exhausting day of the year (#1 being Open House), but I don't want to miss the meeting, so I guess I'll have to suck it up and deal with it. The next day is an all-day ELA session at a far away school, so that will be awesome too. Dear Lord, please let me make it to Friday evening.

I'll leave you with some pictures of my classroom from last year, and we can see what changes this year.

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